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The mission of Southeastern Local Schools is to develop graduates who will be prepared to continue their education and to enter the workplace for the purpose of contributing to the benefit of themselves, their families, communities and society. Our mission is to develop lifelong learners who demonstrate exemplary character and responsibility, strong leadership, academic growth, work ethic and communication skills in their communities.


The learning environment of Southeastern Local Schools will be safe and nurturing, characterized by: 


• Students highly engaged in and enjoying learning and using technology purposefully and frequently. 


• Teachers utilizing a variety of current and innovative teaching strategies and assessment tools, focusing instruction on pertinent information related to everyday life and demonstrating an increased use of technology. 


• Parents and community members involved in the educational process. 

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© 2020 di Southeastern Local Schools.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/2/2020

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Il Southeastern Local School District si impegna a verificare che tutti i collegamenti siano operativi e che tutte le informazioni siano accurate, appropriate e di alta qualità. Il Distretto si aspetta che questi standard siano soddisfatti. Non è possibile garantire la fattibilità dei collegamenti che non vengono creati tramite il nostro Distretto.

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